The 9th International Conference of Design for Sustainability Destination204-2018


Theme: It’s time to go back to Village

Village means my village and villages around. Participants will live at a home-stay at people’s home. We will select people and their home, we will train about how to become a host, provide clean and health food, upgrade the facility (provide suitable toilet and shower for foreigners). For upgrade facility we hope we got from sponsors (is it possible to get sponsor from Japan?). The toilets design will develop base on local design but

suitable for foreigners as well. We will ask some local architects to design… or, it able to become the first project for students from Japan. This upgraded facility will also become facility for Spedagi to provide homestay facility for visitor. For the place of the conference, I am thinking to use the old cow cage I bought some months before, or use a village hall. Every village actually has meeting hall, it’s big enough. If we build a new facility, it will able to become a project too, so before the conference there will be many collaboration local people to foreign people. For transportation, I am thinking to use bicycle. So, the participants will feel an interesting experience, go to activities by bicycle and back ‘home’ by bicycle as well. As the living cost is very cheap, I am thinking to make longer duration for next year event, maybe around 5 days. I want to give possibilities for participants to join their host daily activities,   for example : make brick, plant vegetables, etc. I also want to have   a collaboration program with students in some schools. If possible,   we also make a kind of village festival, where participants able to enjoy local culture performance, and I hope foreigners able to show   their culture performance as well.

By Singgih Susilo Kartono

Date Conference:march1and 16-20 ,2014

 Venue Conference:Indonesia


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